Pattern of Events
- Every place is given character by the events that occur there.
- Events that move us – saying good bye, Christmas memories
- The events are not necessarily human – sunlight on a window sill, wind in the grass
- The life of a house or a town by shape of buildings, ornament and plan – but by the quality of events encountered there.
- All events counts both human and natural.
- The character of a town is determined by the events that keep on happening there.
- Our lives are made up of about a dozen patterns of events.
- If these few patterns are good for me I live well if not I live badly.
- Each town has a set of patterns that correspond to its culture.
- These patterns of events give the world a structure – the patterns are anchored in space
- Patterns require certain structures – sleeping require a bed.
- In order to “watch the world go by” a raised area above a public place is required – a porch or a café terrace.
- The pattern of event is dependant on the space in which it occurs.
- The names of spaces tell us what goes on there – they suggest what happens there and what people do there eg rooftop, alley, parking lot, freeway etc.
- They are not just dead pieces of architecture, they have a entire life associated with them.
- Space does not cause events – different cultures respond differently to spaces.
- Sidewalk in NY is for walking on. Sidewalk in Jamaica is for sitting and chatting.
- People respond in terms of what they expect to happen there.
- We cannot separate the stream from the stream bed.
- A building is a living thing.
- Try to see the pattern of events and the space as one.
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